Who I am, and why I am here


An introductory post by ‘Emma’ AKA rearrangemymind

Hello, as you might have figured my name is Emma, and I’m going to be using this blog to document my life. I’m also going to use this blog to complete the 365 days of writing prompts challenge, which can be found here and I shall also be working my way through the Zero to Hero: 30 days to a better blog challenge which can be found here.

I shall be using this blog to document my writing progression as well as events that occur in my life that I feel like I should share, for example today I was told that the writing piece I had submitted to someone on Tumblr was one of their favourite pieces.

I’m seventeen years of age and I was born in December. Despite being both Scottish and a winter child I have a dislike to cold temperatures, instead preferring the heat. I particularly like it when I am driving in a car with the heating on, and I can feel my mouth and lips start to dry up slightly. Although that being said dehydration isn’t particularly enjoyable.

Before I start to ramble on which is something I tend to do in my other writing pieces I shall cover some of the basic points. I shall answer some questions as if I’m at an interview, mainly because it’s the easiest way of working the questions and answers into a post.

An interview with the blogger Rearrangemymind

Why are you blogging, rather than keeping a personal journal?

I find personal journals as boring. I don’t feel as compelled to keep them updated because I’m the only reader. Whereas in a blog I feel as if someone somewhere will read it, and thus I might as well update the blog to satisfy them. Plus it’s nice to type things out in a blog than say a word processing document, and I do like penning my thoughts in a journal but I do not write with a pen nearly as fast as I write and I find my hand gets tired. It’s a burden really

What topics do you think you’ll write about?

A variety of topics I daresay, as of course I am completing two challenges resulting in two posts a day if at all possible and I highly doubt they will be related. I like writing about a lot of different things. I like reading lots of different things too. I find it improves my work.

Who would you love to connect with via your blog?

I’m not particularly sure, although I like the idea of my future spouse stumbling across my blog and falling in love with the words I write (which are average at best) but I highly doubt that will happen, why? Because the odds are slim to none.

If you blog successfully throughout 2014, what would you hope to have accomplished?

I would like to have accomplished an improvement in the way I write, it’s very important to me that I improve the way I write. Why? Because writing isn’t just a hobby for me, I need it for the college course (and potential university subject) I’m doing which is Business. I like writing, it’s a passion of mine. Of course I want to improve, it’d be mad to not want to improve a hobby.

What are you about?

In a quick summary I am about music, literature and dreams. I can’t romanticize myself, I don’t go walking with a dog through a park, or paint pretty pictures. Instead I sit up in a room with two cats and write stories that I wish would come true, and I like to listen to music. That’s me in a nutshell. I am all about my music and my words.

Why should they read your  blog?

Because why not?

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